

Available Beds
Week Commencing181522296132027310172418152229512192629162329162330
Sunday 0012121212121212121212121212129012121212121212121212121212
Monday 0012121212121212121212121212123012121212121212121212121212
Tuesday 0012121212121212121212121212120512121212121212121212121212
Wednesday 0012121212121212121212121212120812121212121212121212121212
Thursday 00121212121212121212121212121201212121212121212121212121212
Friday 00121212121212121212121212121201212121212121212121212121212
Saturday 00121212121212121212121212121201212121212121212121212121212
  • All beds are available
  • Some beds are available
  • No beds are available
  • For Beds 13 and 14 (Games Room) see Booking Conditions and/or contact Booking Manager

Booking Form

Booking Form

Lodge Captain Report - Arrival

Lodge Captain Report - Arrival

Lodge Captain Report - Departure

Lodge Captain Report - Departure

Lodge Procedures

Lodge Procedures

Lodge Manuals

Lodge Manuals
Member Family Bookings open: 2024-02-16
Member Friends Bookings open: 2024-03-01
Friends of Merriment Bookings open: 2024-03-17
School Holiday Week: In: 2024-07-07 - Out: 2024-07-21
Accommodation Rates
High Season

2024-06-30 - 2024-09-01

Shoulder Season

2024-06-02 - 2024-06-29 and 2024-09-02 - 2024-10-06

Low Season

All other times

Weekly Daily Weekly Daily Weekly Daily
Member - Adult $423.00 $84.00 $338.00 $67.00 $148.00 $29.00
Member - Child of (3-18 yrs) $211.00 $42.00 $168.00 $33.00 $73.00 $14.00
Member - Junior $253.00 $50.00 $202.00 $40.00 $88.00 $17.00
Non-Member - Adult $1,058.00 $211.00 $846.00 $169.00 $370.00 $74.00
Non-Member - Child (3-18 yrs) $529.00 $105.00 $423.00 $84.00 $185.00 $37.00
Non-member - Junior (19-25 yrs) $634.00 $126.00 $507.00 $101.00 $221.00 $44.00
Lodge Plans
Booking Policy

Booking policy is based on the concept of Merriment as a family lodge, with the interests of Members having priority over those of friends, while also recognising that members should enjoy the privilege of being able to ski with friends.

In order to make some accommodation available on a casual, relatively short-notice basis, beds 13 and 14 (Games Room) are generally available for booking only within 3 weeks of the requested date and for up to 2 consecutive nights only. Beds 13 and 14 may be booked if all 14 beds are booked by one party after Member Friends Bookings open

Periods School Holiday Period - In: 2024-07-07 - Out: 2024-07-21 All Other Times

Member Family Bookings open


Ballot for members and their school children only. Members can book beds 1 to 12 for themselves, their partner and children under 18 years.

Member Friends Bookings open


Members with children an/or grandchildren can book beds 1 to 14 for themselves, their children and/or grand-children and/or friends of their children and/or grand-children. Members can book beds 1 to 12 for themselves, their children and/or up to 2 friends per Member only. Beds 13 and 14 may be booked if all 14 beds are booked by one party.

Friends of Merriment Bookings open


Members can book beds 1 to 12 for themselves, their children and/or friends. Friends of Merriment can book beds 1 to 12 for themselves, their children and/or friends, provided a Sponsorship Agreement has been completed.


  • All booking decisions are at the discretion of the Booking Manager, in consultation with the Lodge Captain responsible for the relevant period.
  • A Lodge Captain will be nominated for any time the Lodge is occupied and will be responsible for the lodge procedures being followed during the stay.
  • The Lodge Captain is responsible for advising the Booking Manager of any changes to the names of people staying at the Lodge.
  • All bookings are tentative until the total payment for the booking has been received.
  • Payments will only be accepted from the person making the booking.
  • No booking will be accepted from any Member or for any Member with an outstanding account balance.
  • A full lodge consists of 12 booked and paid for beds (subject to the bed 13 and 14 policy above). If a booking is made for less than 12 beds, any remaining beds are available for booking by other parties.
  • Children under the age of 3 are not required to pay accommodation fees, unless they occupy a bed, in which case accommodation fees apply.
  • In order to comply with NPWS lease conditions, children under the age of 3, irrespective of whether they do or do not occupy a bed, must be included on the booking form,
  • No insurance cover, including but not limited to Personal Accident, Travel or Contents and Personal Valuables, is provided for by Merriment.


Days cancellation is received in advance of the booked accommodation date Offer
60 or more days A refund of the full booking amount.
Less than 60 and 30 or more days A refund of 50% of the full booking amount.
Less than 30 days No refund will be given.